Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Comeback

All is not well in knee-land. It's been 13 months since I suffered a small tear in my left patellar tendon. The past year has been pretty brutal performance-wise. I only came within 75cm of my personal best once and the last time I felt comfortable jumping (without worrying about pain) was August 2012. For the past year and a half there has been a bottle of champagne in my apartment with the number "15" on it, I have been waiting a long time, and I don't really have anything to show for it yet. I have been moving progressively farther away from my goal, regressing by a meter or more but for the first time in a long time my knee is giving me hope. The pain has been getting less severe recently and I've started to incorporate plyos into my program. I was even able to do a couple seven step long jump approaches last Saturday.
   I think if I'm smart I can hit my goal of 15m this year and finally get healthy. I have finally realized as well that there is no point in constantly trying to minimize my caloric intake, right now I'm in a strength block and just trying to get a strong as possible before cutting down to a respectful competition weight. I'm about 170lb's at the moment and on the precipice of cleaning 300lb's for the first time so I have sterngth to spare. The next step after this training block is to incorporate more short approach work and become a "jumper" again. Unfortunately at the moment my training volume is so high that I have hit 6000 or more calories some days. Groceries are expensive!

Here's what I've eaten today:

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